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C. S. LewisA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The owls take Jill and Eustace to meet a Marsh-wiggle named Puddleglum who invites them to sleep in his wigwam. Marsh-wiggles are human-looking creatures with long arms and legs and are famous for taking a particularly glum outlook on life, which the children find perplexing. The next morning, the three of them discuss their plans to find the ruined city. Puddleglum suggests that they cross the river Shribble and go to Ettinsmoor, the land of the giants, but warns the children that the journey will be dangerous.
Eustace, Jill, and Puddleglum begin their journey through the giants’ moor. They walk for days and encounter giants who, although they pay the travelers no mind, throw rocks at each other, causing dangerous rockfalls near the group and making their trek all the more hazardous. Eventually, they reach the river, above which they are surprised to find a bridge. Once they cross it, despite Puddleglum’s wariness, they meet a knight and a lady. The knight remains silent, but the fair lady, who wears a green dress, appears friendly. Eustace and Jill are entranced, but Puddleglum is reluctant to trust her with any information about their journey. The lady tells them that they can find shelter at Harfang, the castle of the gentle giants, but warns them that the gates are closed at noon.
By C. S. Lewis
Action & Adventure
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Allegories of Modern Life
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Christian Literature
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Good & Evil
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Juvenile Literature
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Religion & Spirituality
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Required Reading Lists
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The Journey
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Truth & Lies
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