
45 pages 1 hour read

Nawal El Saadawi

Woman at Point Zero

Fiction | Novella | Adult | Published in 1975

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Chapter 2, Pages 11-50Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 2, Pages 11-19 Summary

Firdaus begins detailing the story of her life by demanding not to be interrupted, for she has little time. Growing up, she feels a strong disdain toward the men she sees in newspapers and spits on them. When she later becomes a sex worker, she’s quickly successful and spends money on expensive makeup, clothes, and salons. She describes her education and “suppression of desires” (12) as middle class, and her birth and upbringing as “lower class” (12). Her family is poor, and her father is a man who steals from his neighbors and beats his wife. He attends weekly prayer at the local mosque, and afterward Firdaus sometimes watches as he and the other men discuss subservience to Allah and to the country. As a young girl, Firdaus often walks past the men, carrying a jar of water on her head, and they all seemed to harbor a hidden aggression she can’t yet place. In watching her father among them, she sometimes loses track of him; they all seem alike to her. When she asks her mother about her father, feeling disconnected from him and suggesting that she understands what sex is, Firdaus’s mother beats her and then punishes her further by having a woman perform genital mutilation. In Firdaus’s sexual awakening that led to this moment, she and a boy would touch one another while working in the fields. Since the incident, her mother no longer permits her to work with the boys. When Firdaus’s uncle begins molesting her shortly after this, however, it isn’t the same pleasurable experience she had with her friend in the fields, and her association between sex and pleasure leaves her. At the same time, she feels dependent on her uncle, who’s more educated than the rest of her family and has taught her many things. When her uncle tells her that women can’t attend university, however, the realization stuns Firdaus.

She recalls slowly losing the person she knew as her mother. When she’s very small, her mother supports and protects her, picking her up when she falls, and her mother’s black-and-white eyes seem to resemble the sun and moon; but this woman she knows vanishes and is replaced by a vacant and spiteful person that Firdaus doesn’t recognize. Her mother is totally subservient and tends only to her husband’s needs. Firdaus lays awake and cries thinking about how her mother has changed. She also remembers her many brothers and sisters, most of whom lived only a short time before dying. If one of Firdaus’s sisters died, her father didn’t react at all, but a brother’s death resulted in an attack on Firdaus’s mother. Her father never went hungry and would often eat loudly in front of the children as they starved. She suspects that he isn’t her real father and has always felt much closer to her uncle, who helps her attend school and takes her to Cairo when her parents died.

Chapter 2, Pages 20-41 Summary

When Firdaus moves to Cairo, she feels as if she’s “being born a second time” (20). The electric light inside her uncle’s home initially makes it difficult for her to see, and the first sight of herself in a mirror is a shock. Although she instinctively knows the reflection is herself, she can’t stand seeing her father and mother in her own face. Firdaus loves school and having the chance to play with other children, and she spends her evenings at home cleaning and tending to her uncle. Still just a child, she often curls up with her uncle for warmth, but after completing primary school and seeing a film that introduces her to the concept of sexual love, Firdaus no longer feels comfortable being close with her uncle that way. She fantasizes about him at night and finds her pleasure senses reawakening, albeit in a different way than before. As she withdraws from her uncle, he withdraws in return and soon marries a woman that Firdaus finds unpleasant at best: She’s “lazy,” leaving most of the housework for Firdaus, and beats her one night after finding Firdaus sharing her bed with a servant girl (only trying to help her warm up).

Her uncle’s new wife soon insists on boarding her at secondary school. Firdaus seems to slowly be abandoned by her family and isn’t visited or taken home on weekends like the other students. A close friend at the school, named Wafeya, criticizes Firdaus for showing no interest in love or in men, and Firdaus explains that she spends most of her time at the library reading various books on history. Most of these books describe men who had an “avaricious and distorted personality” (27) and sought power, dominance, and sex. They remind Firdaus of the men she saw as she walked the streets growing up—and of her father. Unable to sleep one night, Firdaus goes out to sit in the playground and reflect on her life, and an empathetic teacher named Miss Iqbal finds her. Miss Iqbal asks Firdaus what’s bothering her, but Firdaus can only cry, and soon Miss Iqbal is crying in silence with her. Miss Iqbal looks at Firdaus with the same black-and-white, sun-and-moon eyes that her mother once did, and Firdaus feels something deep within her—“something that could have been, and yet was never lived” (30). Firdaus thinks about Miss Iqbal every day and wonders if Miss Iqbal thinks of her. She talks about her to Wafeya, who asks if Firdaus is in love with Miss Iqbal. Firdaus confusedly denies it, unsure how a woman could be in love with another woman. When she imagines the moment with Miss Iqbal, the black eyes encircled by white as “large as the sun” (31) consume her vision.

Firdaus excels in her classes, and when she’s called up to receive her certificate at her graduation ceremony, she feels frozen to her seat. Miss Iqbal comes to usher her up, consuming Firdaus with her eyes once again and, in taking her hand, inspires a deep, “remote pleasure” (33) in Firdaus. She helps Firdaus receive her certificate and takes her back to her chair, and that’s the last time Firdaus ever sees her. Still, in the last few days of school, Firdaus constantly searches for Miss Iqbal. When school ends, Firdaus’s uncle takes her home, and she finds herself constantly glancing back in search of what she never really had. Living with her uncle, she’s seen as secondary and sleeps on the couch in the living room near his bedroom. One night, she overhears her uncle and his wife talking about her, discussing what to do with her and whether she might get a job and leave the house. When her uncle shoots down the idea of sending her to university, his wife suggests having Firdaus marry her uncle, Sheikh Mahmoud. Recently retired, Mahmoud is decades older than Firdaus and has a large, open boil on his face. When her uncle brings up these points, his wife points out that Firdaus herself isn’t very attractive and would be “lucky” to marry him. Firdaus then listens as her uncle and his wife engage in intercourse that sounds violent and all-consuming. The next morning, Firdaus decides she must leave and packs her few belongings before saying goodbye to her young cousin. On the street, she feels as if she has been thrust into an entirely new world and as small as “a pebble which someone had tossed into [the street’]s waters” (41). She soon becomes hungry and feels uncertain of what to do or where to go. At night, she feels as if someone’s staring at her with ill intent—or as if the threat of death or something far worse is near. She decides she has no choice but to return to her uncle’s house.

Chapter 2, Pages 42-50 Summary

Firdaus doesn’t remember what led up to her marrying Sheikh Mahmoud; all she remembers is feeling desperate to avoid the prying eyes she had felt on the street. She tolerates Mahmoud’s sexual attention, despite its being unwanted, and feels disgusted after each encounter, particularly because of his age and the constantly oozing wound on his face. Mahmoud frequently yells at her over small mistakes and soon takes to beating her instead. When he beats her violently with his shoe, Firdaus seeks her uncle’s support, but he and his wife explain that “all husbands beat their wives” (44) and that a woman’s duty is to obey. After enduring this treatment from him for a while longer, Firdaus finally leaves one day, covered in blood and bruises. She finds a cafe and begs for water, and the owner soon arrives with tea and introduces himself as Bayoumi. He offers to let her stay at his home until she finds work and, on the way there, asks whether she prefers oranges or tangerines. Firdaus realizes that no man has ever asked her before what she preferred, nor has she ever thought about it. While staying with Bayoumi, Firdaus experiences kindness for the first time—but it’s short-lived. When Firdaus suggests finding work, Bayoumi hits her, accuses her of disrespecting him, and then punches Firdaus in her uterus. He starts locking her up when he goes to work and rapes her frequently, which Firdaus endures, “emptied of all desire” (50). Bayoumi’s friends assault her too, treating her violently and calling her slurs. One day, a neighbor sees Firdaus through a window, crying, and Firdaus explains that she’s being held captive. The woman helps free Firdaus by having a carpenter open the door, and Firdaus runs out into the street once more.

Chapter 2, Pages 11-50 Analysis

Firdaus’s childhood sets the premise for her entire life. The experiences she has during this period mold her worldview and are mirrored in experiences she has in her youth and adulthood. She discusses these early experiences first, including stories about her abusive and distant father, who to her seems like a sheep in a flock of unrecognizable men and embodies the hypocrisy that she grows to despise. As a child, Firdaus is punished for simply being female: Her genitals are mutilated, she’s beaten, she’s expected not to go to school, and she’s eventually forbidden from being around boys her age. In a sad irony, Firdaus’s mother attempts to protect her from the sexual attention of boys her age, who didn’t harm Firdaus, but not from the sexual attention of her uncle, whose first touch robs Firdaus of her ability to feel pleasure. Firdaus isn’t supposed to know about sex, question her parents, or wonder about the world outside. In addition, she feels disconnected from her parents, as if they don’t belong to her; in particular, her father seems to her like he can’t possibly be hers. Firdaus’s descriptions of her life and those she knew are emotional and detailed, such as when she describes how her mother’s gaze changed from one of love and light to one that was dark and resentful: “No light seemed ever to touch the eyes of this woman, even when the day was radiant and the sun at its very brightest” (18). Firdaus’s childhood is clearly filled with desperation: She’s desperate to learn, desperate to be cared for and comforted, and desperate for adults to look up to.

When Firdaus moves to Cairo with her uncle after her parents’ deaths, she feels as if she’s “being born a second time” (20). She develops romantic feelings for her uncle, but they’re more the result of fleeting confusion than genuine attraction, and after he marries, Firdaus and her uncle slowly become more and more distant from one another. Firdaus has several symbolic experiences in her first years in Cairo, including when she looks in the mirror and sees her own reflection for the first time—a reflection that shadows the appearance of her parents. She realizes that she can’t remove herself from her past or from what came before; instead, it will travel with her wherever she goes. Her uncle sends her to school, which allows her to use some of her intellectual potential, but prevents her from fully reaching it by attending university. She notices that throughout history, patriarchal societies were ruled by men of an “avaricious and distorted personality” (27), who wanted power, sex, or both. It reminds Firdaus of the men she saw watching her as a child and how they seemed to view her and everyone else as something to dominate and own. In addition, Firdaus develops a deep love for Miss Iqbal, a teacher whose eyes remind her of her mother’s. When she touches Miss Iqbal’s hand, it’s as if she’s transported back to a place of pure emotion and innocence: a “remote pleasure, buried in such far away depths that it seemed to have arisen a very long time ago, longer than the length of memory, older than the remembered years of life’s journey” (33). Only once before has she seen eyes that swallowed her like that, in her mother—and only once again will she, in Ibrahim.

When she’s launched into adulthood at age 19 and forced to marry Sheikh Mahmoud, it’s a cruel and disturbing awakening—which underscores one of the book’s primary themes, The Effects of Patriarchal Domination on Egyptian Women—and a total loss of hope follows. Firdaus is denied the opportunity to attend university or to use her education in any way; instead, she’s pawned like an old, unwanted piece of furniture. With Sheikh, Firdaus experiences severe physical and sexual abuse and becomes increasingly indifferent to the world around her. When she tries to escape, she’s threatened by the aggressive eyes on the street and belittled by her uncle and his wife, who tell her that her duty is to accept whatever punishment her husband provides. Firdaus thus enters a lifelong cycle of abuse and escape, and this cycle doesn’t end until she eventually decides that she no longer cares whether she lives or dies.

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